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Sympathy & Funeral

When you order funeral flowers from Dixon Florist & Gift Shop, our skilled and compassionate florist will work directly with the funeral home to ensure that your delivery is timely and accurate. Same-day delivery is often available, please call (707) 678-4432 for a more customized experience.

Sympathy Collection


Colorful Reflections Collection


Distinguished Service Collection


Grandest Glory Collection


Greatest Love Collection

Sympathy and Funeral Flowers guide


How Do I Buy Funeral Flowers?

Funeral flowers are sent to a church service of funeral home. A local florist will deliver your flowers to the funeral home or memorial service.

How to Buy for a Religious Funeral

Honor the departed's religious or cultural belief with flowers appropriate for a viewing or wake, funeral, cremation or graveside service.

How to Buy Sympathy Flowers

Sympathy flowers and fruit baskets are sent to the departed's home to comfort the family during their time of sorrow.

How to Write Sympathy Card Messages

It is not always easy to write a heartfelt message that expresses you feel, especially at a time of great sorrow. We have written some card suggestions for different occasions. 

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